

Dosimetry Treatment Planning Services

Developing comprehensive treatment plans for contracted patient volume.

  • Reduces variation between dosimetrists
  • Removes burden and cost of recruiting
  • Provides diverse team of highly experienced dosimetrists
  • Allows for flexibility and fluctuations in patient volumes

Radiation Safety Officer

Implementing an extensive safety program to mitigate risk and ensure regulatory compliance.

  • Educates and trains staff in safety strategies and compliance
  • Prepares for emerging regulatory trends
  • Offers confidence in knowing radiation emergencies are handled by a credentialed expert
  • Ensures that radiation exposure to patients and staff is as low as reasonably achievable

Physics Services

Ensuring patient treatment plans are accurate and administered properly.

  • Provides experienced resources and expert knowledge of patient QA
  • Reduces variation between a network’s different sites
  • Allows for flexibility and fluctuations in patient volumes
  • Bridges gap between loss of a resource and a new hire



  • 最大限度地减少停机时间以及由此造成的收入损失
  • 无需内部调试专业人才
  • 使临床团队更加专注于患者,提升患者安全
  • 提高现有设备的利用率


评估放射治疗设备,验证其是否运行正常并满足 AAPM 和本地规范要求。

  • 获得能熟练运用所有设备和流程的专家的支持,以优化治疗效果
  • 减少临床工作人员的加班时间
  • 避免因使用所需但很少使用的设备而产生的成本

RapidPlan Modeling

Bringing consistency through standardization while providing individualized patient care.

  • Evaluation of dosimetry workflow
  • Creation of custom scripts to automate processes
  • End-to-end planning process review with new RapidPlan models and scripting automation
  • Remote support and peer review for up to six months post training

Rapid Go-Live

Validating the Varian system prior to the first patient treatment.

  • Includes a comprehensive list of physics tasks
  • Minimizes the time between commissioning and first patient treatment

