{ "pageType": "course-page", "courseTitle": "CL222 RPM", "courseTimeZone": "Beijing", "courseRegion": "apac", "courseTrainingType": "classroom", "courseDescription": "<p>The goal of this course is to provide Physicists the principles and practice of respiratory gating in radiation oncology for clinical implementation. The Respiratory Gating course will cover the following topics: rationale for respiratory gating, clinical application of respiratory gating, general overview of respiratory-gated CT simulation, and respiratory-gated treatment delivery. 4D planning functionality in Eclipse is also demonstrated. The course also covers QA procedures for Respiratory gating consistency/functionality. This course provides an overview of Respiratory Gating for TrueBeam and use of RGSc for CT Scanners. Also, the necessary administrations and calibrations are covered for both systems.<br>• &nbsp;呼吸门控的基本原理<br>• 呼吸门控的临床应用<br>• 呼吸门控CT模拟的一般概况<br>• 呼吸同步的常规模拟<br>• 适形和IMRT/VMAT的呼吸门控治疗<br>• 呼吸门控的一致性和功能的QA程序</p>", "recommendedFor": "Physicist 物理师", "courseCode": "", "courseUnavailable": "false", }


Course Dates

  • 2025-01-02 - 2025-01-03
  • 2025-06-26 - 2025-06-27

Course Description

The goal of this course is to provide Physicists the principles and practice of respiratory gating in radiation oncology for clinical implementation. The Respiratory Gating course will cover the following topics: rationale for respiratory gating, clinical application of respiratory gating, general overview of respiratory-gated CT simulation, and respiratory-gated treatment delivery. 4D planning functionality in Eclipse is also demonstrated. The course also covers QA procedures for Respiratory gating consistency/functionality. This course provides an overview of Respiratory Gating for TrueBeam and use of RGSc for CT Scanners. Also, the necessary administrations and calibrations are covered for both systems.
•  呼吸门控的基本原理
• 呼吸门控的临床应用
• 呼吸门控CT模拟的一般概况
• 呼吸同步的常规模拟
• 适形和IMRT/VMAT的呼吸门控治疗
• 呼吸门控的一致性和功能的QA程序

Recommended For

Physicist 物理师