{ "pageType": "course-page", "courseTitle": "HA201 Halcyon Physics", "courseTimeZone": "Beijing", "courseRegion": "apac", "courseTrainingType": "classroom", "courseDescription": "<p>The Halcyon Physics course is designed to provide the clinical physicist the knowledge and understanding required to use the Halcyon accelerator in a safe and effective manner. &nbsp;This will include a description of the various parts of the linac, beam production, imaging, and MLC. &nbsp;Particular emphasis is placed on the standard physics tasks, including absolute dose calibration and imaging mode calibrations. &nbsp;A planning section will cover topics specific to the Halcyon delivery platform, including the new MLC abilities which utilize the SX2 implementation.&nbsp;<br>•Halcyon组件及功能<br>•调试和QA<br>•MPC<br>•检修模式<br>•绝对剂量标定<br>•影像校准,系统管理和VSP<br>•Halcyon计划设计<br>•长射野多等中心计划</p>", "recommendedFor": "Physicist 物理师", "courseCode": "", "courseUnavailable": "false", }

HA201 Halcyon Physics

Course Dates

  • 2024-10-30 - 2024-11-01
  • 2024-12-16 - 2024-12-18
  • 2025-03-10 - 2025-03-12
  • 2025-06-30 - 2025-07-02
  • 2025-07-28 - 2025-07-30

Course Description

The Halcyon Physics course is designed to provide the clinical physicist the knowledge and understanding required to use the Halcyon accelerator in a safe and effective manner.  This will include a description of the various parts of the linac, beam production, imaging, and MLC.  Particular emphasis is placed on the standard physics tasks, including absolute dose calibration and imaging mode calibrations.  A planning section will cover topics specific to the Halcyon delivery platform, including the new MLC abilities which utilize the SX2 implementation. 

Recommended For

Physicist 物理师