{ "pageType": "course-page", "courseTitle": "VE101 Velocity", "courseTimeZone": "Beijing", "courseRegion": "apac", "courseTrainingType": "classroom", "courseDescription": "<p>This course is provided to Velocity user with the knowledge and practice of Velocity software. The goal of this 3-day training is to introduce the full function of Velocity including: user interface introduction and software management; image deformable registration and evaluation; Atlas based auto-contouring and template library establishment; manual contouring tool; dose deformation and accumulation; offline adaptive workflow based on Velocity.<br>•用户界面介绍及软件管理<br>•图像的形变配准与评估<br>•基于atlas的自动勾画及模板库的建立<br>•手动勾画及勾画后处理<br>•剂量形变&amp;剂量叠加<br>•基于Velocity的离线自适应评估</p>", "recommendedFor": "Medical Physicist,dosimetrist, oncologist and therapist who are involved in the daily use of Velocity. 涉及Velocity日常使用的医学物理师、剂量师、放射肿瘤医师和放射治疗技师", "courseCode": "", "courseUnavailable": "false", }

VE101 Velocity

Course Dates

  • 2025-03-31 - 2025-04-02

Course Description

This course is provided to Velocity user with the knowledge and practice of Velocity software. The goal of this 3-day training is to introduce the full function of Velocity including: user interface introduction and software management; image deformable registration and evaluation; Atlas based auto-contouring and template library establishment; manual contouring tool; dose deformation and accumulation; offline adaptive workflow based on Velocity.

Recommended For

Medical Physicist,dosimetrist, oncologist and therapist who are involved in the daily use of Velocity. 涉及Velocity日常使用的医学物理师、剂量师、放射肿瘤医师和放射治疗技师