{ "pageType": "course-page", "courseTitle": "TrueBeam Advanced Imaging Comprehensive Package", "courseTimeZone": "", "courseRegion": "americas", "courseTrainingType": "on-site", "courseDescription": "<p>Led by a clinical applications specialist, this training package teaches your team to safely use TrueBeam’s advanced imaging and motion management features.</p><p>Designed for users who have completed TrueBeam entitlement training and have more than 6 months TrueBeam experience.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Topics&nbsp;</strong></p><p>• Advanced imaging components for triggered imaging&nbsp;</p><p>• Motion management for auto beam-hold options</p><p>• Identification of implanted fiducials&nbsp;</p><p>• CBCT topogram&nbsp;</p><p>• Extended CBCT&nbsp;</p><p>• Auto-match options&nbsp;</p><p>• Post-imaging evaluation (Offline Review)</p>", "recommendedFor": "Radiation Oncologists, Medical Physicists, Radiation Therapists, Medical Dosimetrists", "courseCode": "", "courseUnavailable": "false", }

TrueBeam Advanced Imaging Comprehensive Package

Course Dates

  • 2024-05-27 - 2026-12-31

Course Description

Led by a clinical applications specialist, this training package teaches your team to safely use TrueBeam’s advanced imaging and motion management features.

Designed for users who have completed TrueBeam entitlement training and have more than 6 months TrueBeam experience. 


• Advanced imaging components for triggered imaging 

• Motion management for auto beam-hold options

• Identification of implanted fiducials 

• CBCT topogram 

• Extended CBCT 

• Auto-match options 

• Post-imaging evaluation (Offline Review)

Recommended For

Radiation Oncologists, Medical Physicists, Radiation Therapists, Medical Dosimetrists