{ "pageType": "course-page", "courseTitle": "AR101CN Oncology Information System Administration", "courseTimeZone": "Beijing", "courseRegion": "apac", "courseTrainingType": "virual", "courseDescription": "This training covers the administration of ARIA OIS from a technical point of view. After this training participants will be able to perform the job of an OIS Administrator by implementing system maintenance and technical procedures. Maintaining an efficient process will prevent clinical data loss to guarantee a secure and continuous clinical workflow. Participants will become familiar with the main ARIA components and architecture. They will learn common administration tasks and will be able to perform first line troubleshooting. • ARIA系统架构及管理 • Windows 域控模块及VSP • 治疗系统架构及其数据流原理 • ARIA网络和操作系统基础 • 数据备份、日志系统和许可管理 • ARIA数据传输原理和分布式计算框架", "recommendedFor": "Information Technology (IT) Engineers and Medical Physicists or all other assigned persons to the role of system administrator. 放射肿瘤学医生,医学物理学师,部门管理员,医疗剂量师和放射治疗师", "courseCode": "", "courseUnavailable": "true", }
Course unavailable

AR101CN Oncology Information System Administration

Course Dates

  • 2024-12-23 - 2024-12-26

Course Description

This training covers the administration of ARIA OIS from a technical point of view. After this training participants will be able to perform the job of an OIS Administrator by implementing system maintenance and technical procedures. Maintaining an efficient process will prevent clinical data loss to guarantee a secure and continuous clinical workflow. Participants will become familiar with the main ARIA components and architecture. They will learn common administration tasks and will be able to perform first line troubleshooting. • ARIA系统架构及管理 • Windows 域控模块及VSP • 治疗系统架构及其数据流原理 • ARIA网络和操作系统基础 • 数据备份、日志系统和许可管理 • ARIA数据传输原理和分布式计算框架

Recommended For

Information Technology (IT) Engineers and Medical Physicists or all other assigned persons to the role of system administrator. 放射肿瘤学医生,医学物理学师,部门管理员,医疗剂量师和放射治疗师