{ "pageType": "course-page", "courseTitle": "EC103 Eclipse Advanced Planning", "courseTimeZone": "Beijing", "courseRegion": "apac", "courseTrainingType": "classroom", "courseDescription": "<p>This course is designed for the experienced Eclipse user and covers several advanced planning techniques with hands on practice. &nbsp;We demonstrate: RapidArc Multiple Brain Mets Planning based on the University of Alabama’s technique; 4D planning from 4D Image Importation through Plan Evaluation using Plan Uncertainty; Hybrid Breast techniques using IMRT or RapidArc, as we will host an experienced guest speaker, reviewing their clinical unique advanced planning techniques and experience.<br>•乳腺癌混合照射技术<br>•头颈肿瘤的同步推量技术<br>•肺癌的IMRT/RapidArc/非共面技术<br>•颅内病灶计划设计技巧与评估<br>•中枢神经系统的RapidArc计划<br>•4D计划-让用户同时可以创建和评估3D\4D\常规计划评估<br>•Smart Segmentation全自动轮廓勾画技术<br>•SmartAdapt 灵巧的形变配准技术</p>", "recommendedFor": "Physicist 物理师", "courseCode": "", "courseUnavailable": "false", }

EC103 Eclipse Advanced Planning

Course Dates

  • 2024-10-29 - 2024-10-31
  • 2025-04-21 - 2025-04-23

Course Description

This course is designed for the experienced Eclipse user and covers several advanced planning techniques with hands on practice.  We demonstrate: RapidArc Multiple Brain Mets Planning based on the University of Alabama’s technique; 4D planning from 4D Image Importation through Plan Evaluation using Plan Uncertainty; Hybrid Breast techniques using IMRT or RapidArc, as we will host an experienced guest speaker, reviewing their clinical unique advanced planning techniques and experience.
•Smart Segmentation全自动轮廓勾画技术
•SmartAdapt 灵巧的形变配准技术

Recommended For

Physicist 物理师