EC203 Portal Dosimetry
Course Dates
- 2025-01-23 - 2025-01-25
- 2025-07-23 - 2025-07-25
Course Description
This course covers the commissioning, calibration and operation of the Portal Dosimetry system for the pre-treatment QA of IMRT and RapidArc patient plans. The topics detailed include: hardware and software introduction to the Portal Dosimetry system; Portal Dosimetry calibration; acquisition of Portal Dose images for dynamic delivery; analysis of Portal Dose images; and, recommended QA tests. Data transfer to and from non-Varian equipment will be discussed. The course includes lectures, instructor led-demonstrations, and practical exercises using live beam machines and the aSi1000 Portal Imager. PLEASE NOTE: This course is suitable for both Clinac and TrueBeam users. Portal Dosimetry configuration will be demonstrated on both machines during this course.
•Portal Dosimetry系统的硬件和软件介绍
•Portal Dosimetry相关硬件的校准
•动态投照的Portal Dose影像的获取
•Portal Dose应用程序介绍