{ "pageType": "course-page", "courseTitle": "TB201 TrueBeam Platform Physics", "courseTimeZone": "Beijing", "courseRegion": "apac", "courseTrainingType": "classroom", "courseDescription": "<p>This course provides training for Medical Physicists responsible for output and imaging calibrations, as well as administration of the TrueBeam machine. The course consists of combination of lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises carried out in a lab equipped with fully functioning TrueBeam system. The course provides an overview of TrueBeam hardware, software and control system, to a depth sufficient for the user to prepare the system for clinical use. The course also includes demonstration of common IGRT, Motion Management and treatment plan delivery techniques. PLEASE NOTE: For emphasis on Advanced Imaging and treatment options supported on the TrueBeam or if upgrading from an older version of TrueBeam software, see TrueBeam Delta Class (TB203) For more in-depth component calibration and maintenance training<br>•TrueBeam组件和控制系统<br>•TrueBeam 束流产生原理及相关组件,和剂量监测系统<br>•系统管理<br>•MV/KV影像模式及其校准原理<br>•IsoCal校准原理<br>•各种影像模式和IsoCal的校准流程<br>•系统日常开、关机及急停后的供电和系统恢复<br>•安全防护: Zool Rule,Laser Guard II,Patient Protection<br>•常规图像引导的治疗流程,及各种图像引导方式和治疗技术<br>•MPC原理及检查项目<br>•机器日常QA</p>", "recommendedFor": "Physicist 负责Truebeam治疗、系统配置和管理的医学物理人员", "courseCode": "", "courseUnavailable": "false", }

TB201 TrueBeam Platform Physics

Course Dates

  • 2024-11-18 - 2024-11-22
  • 2024-12-09 - 2024-12-13
  • 2025-01-06 - 2025-01-10
  • 2025-02-24 - 2025-02-28
  • 2025-04-07 - 2025-04-10
  • 2025-05-12 - 2025-05-16
  • 2025-06-16 - 2025-06-20
  • 2025-07-14 - 2025-07-18
  • 2025-08-11 - 2025-08-15
  • 2025-09-01 - 2025-09-05

Course Description

This course provides training for Medical Physicists responsible for output and imaging calibrations, as well as administration of the TrueBeam machine. The course consists of combination of lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises carried out in a lab equipped with fully functioning TrueBeam system. The course provides an overview of TrueBeam hardware, software and control system, to a depth sufficient for the user to prepare the system for clinical use. The course also includes demonstration of common IGRT, Motion Management and treatment plan delivery techniques. PLEASE NOTE: For emphasis on Advanced Imaging and treatment options supported on the TrueBeam or if upgrading from an older version of TrueBeam software, see TrueBeam Delta Class (TB203) For more in-depth component calibration and maintenance training
•TrueBeam 束流产生原理及相关组件,和剂量监测系统
•安全防护: Zool Rule,Laser Guard II,Patient Protection

Recommended For

Physicist 负责Truebeam治疗、系统配置和管理的医学物理人员